A review by lanica
Contest by Matthew Reilly


I enjoyed this book, even though it had it's flaws.

It's a story that's been done...and done...and done. And, yet, I found myself wanting to know how it ended. He's put a new twist on the 'fight to the death between random contestants who can't escape from the maze unless they are the last man standing' plot. He's added to it with various details that really make to book feel unique. It takes place in the New York Public Library - cool. It has unique alien races - the details of which were well thought out. It adds an element of danger to anyone exiting the maze - well-written. He's thrown in an innocent contestant...and his child - great way to ratchet up the tension!

What didn't I like:
- The idea that it was an unknown alien race who knows all about humans, but we don't know anything about them...and then they put the contest on Earth - why would anyone whose been so secretive up to this point risk their secret by going to Earth?
- The child is innocent...and very young...and yet it is her actions that lead to some crucial discoveries.
- The 'coincidental' actions that lead to actions or thoughts or 'keys' that the characters need was just too pat in a few cases.

I did like this book; however, there were some glaring plot points that yanked me out of the story and reminded me that I've read this plot before. He did an excellent job with some things...some less than stellar work in others. I understand that this is his first book; and because of that, I will read more by this author. I was greatly entertained!