A review by wafflepolly
Under the Ice by Rachael Blok


I've read the second and third book in this series ([b:The Scorched Earth|51156403|The Scorched Earth|Rachael Blok|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1565518772l/51156403._SX50_SY75_.jpg|72728741] and [b:Into the Fire|50336282|Into the Fire|Rachael Blok|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1578353409l/50336282._SX50_.jpg|75276789]), and while they all work as standalones, I've been meaning to go back and read this first instalment for a while.

Set, as the other books are, in St Albans, here we meet DCI Maarten Jansen for the first time, after a 14 year old schoolgirl is found dead in the city park's lake just before Christmas. It's not long until another girl goes missing in ways that suggest that the two are linked. While Jansen takes more of a front seat than in the third book in particular, the story is still very much driven by the perspective of other characters. In this book, much of the story comes from Jenny, a new mother who feels incredibly connected to the case, and keeps finding herself sleepwalking in the park and seeing ghosts of girls. Jenny is a really interesting character to read, and Blok has done a good job of writing someone who is increasingly unsure of her own mental state.

Alongside DCI Jansen, and each book's other POV characters, Blok makes the weather a key character in her series. Under The Ice is set in a particularly cold, snowy, and icy December, adding an interesting threatening layer to the mood while at the same time lending itself to some beautiful descriptive writing while children make snowmen in the park which has become a crime scene.

Having read the later books, it feels apparent that this is Blok's debut. The writing is a little clumsy at times — I noticed, among other things, a couple of occasions where the tense changed mid-paragraph, and a few occasions during POV chapters where the perspective shifted to someone else slightly — and overall just not as polished as the later stories.

Unfortunately I found the outcome of the central mystery to be very easy to predict. There weren't a huge number of people to suspect so I'd decided very early on who my suspicions fell upon, and I didn't really falter in that decision while continuing to read.

The pace is decent; although perhaps a little slow to begin with. Towards the end it begins to race at breakneck speed, with chapters becoming shorter and shorter, hurtling towards the conclusion.

It's still a really decent read and I recommend the series. Some slightly clumsy moments in the writing let this one down a little, however Blok's style gets honed throughout the series.

3.5 stars, rounded down.