A review by cathiedalziel
Ink by Amanda Sun


It hurts so much to give this book 3 stars. Honestly. I want to give it 5 stars because of the cover alone. I am a cover whore. This one is gorgeous. The sketches throughout the pages are really nice too and I loved the Japanese setting and language and the feel that you were getting involved with something different from all the average run of the mill genres out there.

This is a story of a young teenage girl who goes to live with her aunt in Japan after her Mom dies. Her whole world has changed and now even her environment is unfamiliar and strange to her. (She lived in New York and spent holidays in Canada). She overhears a guy from her school breaking up with his girlfriend and in the midst of the argument the girl hurls the boy's sketchbook at him and papers go flying. One lands at the feet of the main character's and as she looks at it the picture moves. She later realizes this boy has a history with ink and that ink is alive.

It's a wonderful new premise and a storyline that I don't think had been done before. There's Japanese feuds and this is the first book in a series. I wanted soooo much to like it. Like I said, the cover demanded that I like it. I feel betrayed.

This girl literally stalks this sullen, mean boy who has fun humiliating her and she can't seem to get him out of her head (or eyesight). If this were a male following a female around it would have stalker screaming all over it. So does this one, but because of the YA environment the author somehow seems to think it is acceptable to have this girl follow, snoop, spy, and confront this guy everyday. Sorry but you totally lost me when this theme ran rampant. I just could not get past this and when I thought the story was taking a different way, no, we were back to partaking in witnessing stalker mode.

So sad, because the story could have been really beautiful, really different. And the cover is breathtaking, which makes not liking what is on the pages so very very disappointing.