A review by montrez
Echoes of the Crown by S. McPherson

adventurous emotional hopeful inspiring fast-paced


This book is epic fantasy romance packed with lots of heart, high stakes, and sweeping romance. A whirlwind of a read, it will pull you into the pages for a wild, fantastical ride that will leave a lasting impression sure to inspire you well after you’re finished reading.

💜 Fierce female leads and loads of black girl magic

I loved both of the female lead characters (Larayne/Lenka and Ayre). These characters were compelling and relatable. They were brave, smart, strong and fierce but they weren’t invincible. 

They had moments of weakness, of vulnerability, and quite a few predicaments that left them in tough situations. I love how they didn’t succeed at everything. They had scars, they bled, but they kept fighting and didn’t back down. 

This story is told from multiple POVs. I typically prefer single POVs because I usually connect better with one character over others. But I enjoyed all povs in this book. (Ayre was my favorite, though).
💜Unique setting and immersive world building 
I love the settings in this book. It switches back and forth between the stunning supernatural Kingdom of Noraquros (where the people have long life spans unique elemental abilities) and a unique portrayal of Spain. 

While the Noraquros setting did feel more established, I appreciated the fact that the less fantastical setting took place in a location and time period not frequently explored in the manner that McPherson writes it. I found it refreshing, and the hint of possible pirate adventures in the sequel is intriguing too.

Another aspect of the world building I appreciated was the use of language. McPherson’s use of slang and language native to her setting further immersed me into the world and cultures she created.

One of the biggest highlights of this book was McPherson’s unique take on elemental magic/abilities. I loved how the different elemental powers were described and the characteristics that came with them. The characters were powerful but they had believable and realistic weaknesses that enhanced the story.

💜Quotable, memorable lines

The writing was beautiful. Not in a purple prose, excessively flowery kind of way, but in a way that resonates even after the book is closed and you’re finished reading.

Some of the lines I really enjoyed:

- ‘You were once incredibly powerful beings, a raging fire. But in every life, that power fades. Now,’ she waved her teaspoon in my direction, ‘you are the ashes. Ashes of legends. Echoes of a fallen crown.’

- “if you’re going to cause a scene, make it unforgettable.”

- “With her gaze lifted to the stars, Appollonia desperately clung to some beauty left in the world when she was surrounded by such ugliness.”

- ‘Pesky things, aren’t they? Hearts.’ His breath shuddered across the tip of my ear. ‘They seem to remember things even when the mind forgets.’

💜The fast paced, nail-biting action

There were a few times I didn’t think some of the characters would make it out alive. McPherson does an excellent job of creating tension, high stakes and realistic, believable conflict. She makes her characters work for their victories , and rarely do they leave a battle or situation unscathed. 

Romance Level: 😍 Swoon-worthy

If you love fated lovers with sizzling chemistry plagued by tragic curses don’t sleep on this! There is also at least one other potential romance with great banter and slow burn potential (my favorite).

📌Please note:
- Cliffhanger alert! I’m hoping book 2 will answer some of the nagging, unanswered questions I have about some of the minor/supporting characters. This isn’t a bad thing though. I guess I’m just really invested and can’t wait to read more😆
- Content Warnings: executions, child death, death of parent, assault, mention of poverty and hunger, serious physical injury, mention of maiming/violent acts