A review by 1tbsofjan
November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
This is a huge 0 stars from me. If you believe that women are more than objects to be lusted after, i suggest that you should skip this book. I know i’m only 36 pages in, but the way the main guy character THINKS, and his thought process is a HUGE RED FLAG. The first chapter was all good, i was even smiling from how cute it was when he defended her. But when it switched to his POV….

So when they’re sitting across from each other at the table, he thinks about her boobs. Then in his head, he’s already controlling and manipulating what HE thinks she SHOULD wear.
“But if we’re just going to sit here and stare at each other, it’ll be nice if she were showing a little cleavage, instead of wearing this long sleeved shirt”

He describes what he thought of when he first saw her
“I stared at your ass the whole time you were stomping away, and I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of panties you had on. Thong? Commando? I don’t see an outline”

Then he starts getting insecure about HIS own looks, so he starts wishing SHE was ugly
“I saw your scars. I was so relieved. Because I could tell that you were insecure.”
UM??? This is literally the start of a manipulative relationship! He prefers her insecure so it’s easier to make himself feel better and to control her?! 

The thoughts that were going through Ben’s head were just outright disgusting. I don’t understand how could Colleen write a guy like this and expect us to love him? Sure, you can argue “guys are like that”. Um? Shouldn’t we have a little more self respect and find a guy who isn’t like that? Or at least isn’t PROUD he’s like this? 
The other thing I was pissed about is how Fallon just ACCEPTED it and moved on. Like, Yes okay u wanna get in my pants? Let’s do it. 

I’ve read more than enough. 

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