A review by richardwells
Lamentation by Ken Scholes


Brought to my attention by my favorite librarian (no, not Nancy Pearl,) who had put it on her "to read" list. It's not bad, not great, but not bad. I liked the characters, enjoyed the intrigue, and appreciated the intrigue over the swordplay - though that was interesting what with special forces equipped with Magick. The story has to do with a "doomsday" weapon fired by magick and a mechanical man that destroys a city, and the world's greatest library. It's all about the forces that brought the destruction about, and its repercussions, and it is amusing. It's a swords and sorcery meets steam-punk blend - light on the steam-punk. I even managed to handle the five character narrative line.

I jumped right to book 2, Canticle. It's going into the discard pile (where exactly is that on a Kindle?) I'm less than a hundred pages in, but the repetition has gotten to me, and the characters aren't resonating as much as in book one. I was a little wary as the pub. dates on each volume run closely together and I suspected a rush to print. The formatting of Canticle is the same as Lamentation (multi-character story line) which seems to stifle any forward motion.

All and still, Lamentation was fun, I just don't have time for more of the same. A hesitant three stars.