A review by offmyredcarpet
Chained by V.K. Ludwig


This series asks the question: what happens when you want to carry on as a species so badly that you’re willing to incite war under false pretenses with another alien civilization so that you can go to earth—with whom you share an ancestral gene pool—and tell them ‘we’ll protect you from them but as payment we want access to your female population’.

We finally get Zavis’s story and a lot of reveals in this installment. This is my second favorite in the series behind the first book with Torin and Eden.

I like that we finally get to see how exactly we get to the events of the Ash Planet Warriors series (a companion series that takes place years after the events of this series). Zavis and Naney’s story begins in the present. We then go back in time and get the truth of the war with the Jal’zari, sex trafficking, and the events that lead to Ash Planet series. Then we’re brought back to the present. Fantastic plot, some great surprise moments and reveals.

The author wrote a phenomenal story arc for this series as a whole and has mentioned the difficulty of all the elements that come into play. I sincerely hope the she will give us Kael’s story at some point. I’m so intrigued by this world and I honestly want a little more of it.