A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood


This book blew me away! It wasn't even on my radar until I saw it on Netgalley and read the synopsis. I'm SO GLAD I requested it and was approved because this may just make it into my top 3 of 2020.

The world building was phenomenal! The fact that there are so many worlds connected by The Maze made it so much fun to explore. Some worlds no longer exist and have been forgotten but are still accessable through Maze Portals. I really enjoyed that the way of travel was so different, and the landscapes were wonderfully written.

The characters had so much depth, and I truly cared for them. That has been few and far between for me lately. It was so refreshing to actually care for the characters I was reading about. I loved how Csorwe was described in a way that I could actually picture her and not just me assuming she looked human or "fae," which always seems to be the car with most books.

The friendships between characters were well written and served their own purposes. Everyone who had the same goal tends to work together even if they may not normally get along. This worked seemlessly for the storyline and brought so much to the adventure.

The romance was well written and refreshing, and I was rooting for Csorwe the whole time. I'm so glad things worked out the way they did.

I had a feeling in the last half of the story that things may end the way they did for Belthandros, but I wasn't certain.

I'm so stoked that there will be more to this world because I feel like I could wonder The Maze forever and find out about all the different worlds and people. And I need to know what happens with Csorwe.

Thank you to Tor Books and Netgalley for the gifted copy