A review by book_concierge
The Diva Runs Out of Thyme by Krista Davis


Sophie Winston may have lost her husband to domestic diva (and former high school rival) Natasha Smith, but she kept Max’s family home, and a decent relationship with her former mother-in-law. Now she has a chance to expand her role at the paper writing a domestic help column that rivals Natasha’s, but keeps things simple. If she can win the Stupendous Stuffing Shakedown she’ll get some great positive publicity and show her ex-husband, her rival, and her parents that she can make it on her own. But when she finds a body while grocery shopping, she’s suddenly embroiled in a murder investigation.

I love cozy mysteries – they are my reading comfort food. This has a pretty good premise, and I liked the rivalry between Sophie and Natasha, and between Sophie and her sister Hannah. Davis starts each chapter with domestic advice from either Natasha or Sophie; there are some great ideas for decorating or rescuing a cooking mistake here. Setting the story at Thanksgiving gave the divas plenty of fodder for advice (good or bad).

The story was filled with more suspects than you could shake a turkey leg at, and plenty of plot twists to keep the reader guessing. There’s also a nice little sub-plot of a senior romance that was entertaining. However, the central murder mystery plot was pretty thin, and the big reveal stretched credulity a little too far. Still, it’s a satisfying, fast read, and I’ll continue the series.

Oh … and even though it’s months until November, I’m ready to try that Bourbon Pecan Pie recipe now!