A review by motherhorror
The Bedding of Boys by Edward Lorn

I'm no stranger to a "Did Not Finish" review. I don't feel any sense of obligation to finish a book I'm not enjoying. Reading, for me, is equal parts enjoyment, entertainment and relaxation. If a book isn't meeting me on those levels, there is no way I'm going to let it eat up valuable time I could be spending on something that's going to do it for me.
And I've DNFd some favorite authors of mine like Stephen King so an author shouldn't feel like it's personal or that I don't think they're a good writer--the problem is with that particular book and myself not finding our stride.
This book is off the rails page one.
I was ready to chuck it 13 pages in but I purposed to see what Chapter 2 was like. Chapter 2 was BRILLIANT! Chapter 2 is why I know that Edward Lorn has chops. I was mentally checking off all the boxes with every paragraph: Capable writer, check. Gifted storyteller, check. Reaching through the pages and grabbing my feelings, check. I was ready to look past Chapter One and hang in there...but then Chapter 3 happened.
Regina Corsi is the most vile character I've ever read and I DNF'd Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door earlier this year for very similar reasons-- the only reason why Ketchum's "Aunt Ruth" edges Regina Corsi out as the most disgusting creature ever is because she's based on a real person but if she were fictional, Edward wrote an even worse person here and there is no way in hell I'll give that any of my interest. I'm not here in the horror industry for this level of disturbing. I have boundaries and this sprinted over the line with a ferocity I've never encountered before.
So that being said, here's your trigger warnings:
Sexual abuse on children.
Murder of children.
Softcore porny language (LOTS)
Graphic images
Foul, disturbing subject matter
and I only read 50 pages. So enjoy this if you're still down with all of this but I tapped out so I can read horror that feels worthy of my valuable time.
Like the SOUND OF BREAKING RIBS--I still have that Ed Lorn book on my shelves and I plan on reading it because Ed is talented and I'll try again.