A review by gissellereads
My Time Among the Whites: Notes from an Unfinished Education by Jennine Capó Crucet


I loved this book and read it in a few sittings! There were so many ways I related to some of the stories. I laughed, cringed and even teared up while reading it. The essays are thought provoking and funny at times.

This book not only talks about White privilege but also about the privilege some of us latinx have because we look white. This is something I think about a lot because I am Puerto Rican and I get told all the time “but you don’t look Puerto Rican” or “You don’t have an accent”. It’s something we don’t talk about enough and it was thought provoking and refreshing to read about.

I loved the stories about her family. I found myself nodding so much at how I had similar experiences with my mine. At how our families sacrifice so much for us to go to college and get an education but then once you get there everything things change.

I wish I had this book when I was in college. I think it would have opened my eyes to certain behaviors. Now I just want to go read Jennine’s fiction books and can’t wait for more books from her. I am so glad I found this book and I hope everyone reads it!

Thank you so much to Picador for sending me this free book in exchange for an honest review