A review by megant713
Hooked: Write Fiction That Grabs Readers at Page One & Never Lets Them Go by Les Edgerton


Ok--so...I had some issues with this one.

The concept of this book sounded excellent. I agree that you need to have a stellar opening to your novel in order to have a chance of becoming published.

However, I don't agree that your novel should begin with your inciting incident. You should set the stage first--show your readers what normal life looks like before the inciting incident happens, making it impossible for your protagonist to return to their normal life.

Second, and more problematic, is that this author references his works often as examples of ways to open a novel or essay. First off, this is just poor form. Secondly, I don't believe I share the opinion that his previous works had compelling openings...

Again, I love the concept behind this book and I appreciate what Les Edgerton tried to do here, but I feel that this fell a little short of the mark.