A review by bookish_kristina
If You Give A Jerk A Gingerbread by Jana Aston


3.5 stars
I feel bad rating this the same as the first one because I felt it was better BUT I still don’t feel like this was a four star read. Also, I rated the other one last year and I’m way harder on books this year because I’ve read so much of the same over and over that I really value an original idea.
So this book…ugh. It was cute and a great light holiday read but it had some issues. First off I loved the hero, he was charming and sweet but also, very one dimensional. I feel like we didn’t get to know him at all. He was just a good looking British guy. This whole series seems to be in single pov from the FMCs perspective and it’s such a huge miss. We have no idea what the MMC thinks and feels. No insights into his personality. We are just trapped in the heroine’s head the whole time and it’s a kind of cringey place to be. Ginger is very awkward and a bit mean spirited. She hates Keller because he’s likeable. That’s the only thing I can determine. She’s suspicious of him because he’s nice to her. This book’s title does not fit with the story at all, he’s not a jerk, they aren’t rivals really. They are mostly friendly and have a tonne in common.
Anyway this was a short read and easy to get through if you can take a lot of cringey sexy elf references and some heavy second hand embarrassment on behalf of the FMC. If you like the great British bake off or shows like it, this will be up your alley. I enjoyed it but don’t get why this author wants to portray all her heroes in this series as jerks and yet each of them so far have been pretty decent guys.