A review by heabooknerd
A Ferry of Bones & Gold by Hailey Turner


New favorite alert! A FERRY OF BONES & GOLD pulled me in from the start with tons of action, magic filled battles, supernatural creatures galore, and a very sexy romance. I fell hard for Patrick and Jono and I was barely halfway through and I'd already downloaded the entire rest of the series because I knew that I would need more. Supernatural Operations Agent Patrick Collins is sent to New York City to investigate a string of ritualistic killings and soon finds himself tangled up with the local werecreature pack, and one werewolf in particular, the charming and sexy Jonothon de Vere. But these killings are not something new and Patrick recognizes the Dominion Sect's signature and to make matters worse, the immortal gods have come calling for Patrick's soul debt.

There was so much to love in this book and Hailey Turner has created a really interesting setting of the modern world filled with magic, vampires, shifters, and even Greek gods and goddesses. There's so much complexity and intricacy in the world building. I'll be honest, there were a few times when I wasn't totally sure what was going on BUT that was before I discovered the Index in the back of the book and that really helped. So you're welcome. It's a lot of information to take in and the writing is fairly dense in description, but for me it totally worked.

This was mostly told from Patrick's POV but there's a few chapters from Jono's POV as well. Both are such awesome characters and I especially loved how badass Patrick was. His life has been anything but easy and as each small piece of his history is revealed, my heart broke more and more for him. But at his core Patrick is a fighter, no matter how much it hurts, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect the world from the Dominion Sect. Jono too has struggled, adrift with no pack and not allowed to form his own. Together these two lost souls find comfort in each other and I can't wait to follow their relationship through the series.

Content Warning: gore, violence, human sacrifice

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Favorite Quotes:

“I’ve spent the past thirteen years without a pack. No one is taking you away from me,” Jono growled.

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Jono would fight for Patrick, and he knew Patrick would do the same for him. It might not be love, but loyalty and affection were still powerful in their own right.