A review by taylorardoin
My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing


BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT OF 2019. I am so so bummed. I had such high hopes for this book. I thought this was going to be my next favorite book of 2019. Nope.

The only thing that kept me going was the ending. I had to read spoilers from other Goodreads reviews just to make me get through the book. I almost DNf'd a few times, but I was too curious to know what all the fuss was about over this book being great. The book got slightly interesting at 80%. Thank goodness for audiobooks. I typically DNF at 40-50% but I just powered through while I was working since I had the audiobook. If I read the physical copy or ebook, I probably would have just DNF'd.

The ending definitely helped the book, but it wasn't anything mind-blowing or new. I can honestly say the only part of the book I was attentive too was the last scene (no spoilers).

All that being said, I will still likely pick up another Samantha Downing book because I thoroughly enjoyed the premise of this book and her idea behind it. I think this just wasn't the book for me, personally.

HOW I RATE BOOKS (for reference):
5 stars: an amazing book. a book that will stay in my mind days, weeks, months later. typically an all-time favorite, although not always. Most likely to reread
4 stars: a great book, but is just missing that one thing to set it over the edge. would be somewhat likely to reread
3 stars: meh book. was able to get through it and the story was okay, but not something I'd likely reread
2 stars: just no. a book I did not enjoy, but was able to get through without DNFing
1 star: did not like it at all, was bored and couldn't get through it, DNF'd