A review by gamz
Public Wife, Private Mistress by Sarah Morgan


From page one you know this is going to be an intense book. It opens with a teenaged girl fighting for her life in the hospital.

Rico's sister is in a coma but wakes long enough to ask for one person - Stasia, his soon to be ex-wife. This request throws the Rico and Stasia back together again. There is deep animosity between them because Rico saw Stasia in his bed with another guy. But all is not as it seems.

Rico and Stasia may dislike each other but the sexual chemistry between them is hot! They communicate best physically and they spent a good portion of the book "communicating".

I loved Stasia. She was so wronged but she held in to her dignity in-spite and secrets in spite of Rico's vitriol. Rico is a Neanderthal who believes that his wife should be home waiting for him in bed.

I absolutely enjoyed this book, my only complaint was the end was rather abrupt. I needed an epilogue to tie up a few loose ends. Otherwise, a good, angsty read.