A review by cj_mo_2222
An Abiding Fire by M.J. Logue


In October 1664, Major Thankful Russell, who was on the side of Parliament against the King during the English Civil War is ready to make a new start. He has retired from his service in the current King's intelligence service and is excited to bring his beautiful young bride Thomazine home. However, Thankful finds old friends and neighbors snubbing him and learns rumors are going around that he is the main suspect in the recent murder of his sister.

I enjoy historical mysteries, but I'm unfamiliar with this period of history so I was a bit intimated when I started the book. I was pleased the author included historical notes at the back of the book, so I actually read that part first so I would have a better context for the story. This helped give me background information about the Restoration period in England and was a great supplement to the background information that was included in the story. When reading the book, I found many themes to which modern readers can easily relate, such as love, jealousy, insecurity, and pride. This makes the book much more accessible than I thought it would be.

The best part of this book is the love between Thankful and Thomazine. I loved the scenes of their wedding and am glad the readers were treated to see them at such a joyous occasion and see the love between the two. This is especially important when later learning about the cruel things Thankful's sister did to him when he was a child, which makes him a prime suspect in her murder.

I liked the beginning of the book and enjoyed the exciting ending. There were parts in the middle that left me confused and I was unclear how Thankful and Thomazine's actions were doing anything to find the real murderer. This part of the book drug a little for me, but then things soon got back on track and the story was again more interesting. I was surprised by the identity of the murderer. I liked the book because it was something different. Something happens at the end that creates the perfect set-up for future books in the series and promises more adventures for newlyweds Thankful and Thomazine.

I received this book through the courtesy of Sapere Books. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.