A review by cat_literary_world
We Are Displaced by Malala Yousafzai


A must read!

Malala’s life story is well known worldwide. In this book, we get a shorter version, in the first part. The main goal, in this book, is to bring awareness to the refugees’ lives.

I gave this book 5 stars because it’s a great book as far as bringing awareness is concerned. I don’t believe in rating people’s lives, as every life experience is valide. I rate this type of books based on writing and delivering of message alone.

Malala brings us the life stories of several displaced girls, and she does so in a clear and concise way. She gives us a small introduction on why these girls had to flee their homes and moves on to let them tell their experiences. The book is great in the sense it clearly tell us that people get away to survive, which, here in our privileged world, sometimes might go unnoticed. I think it’s obvious, but some people seem to think refugees are lucky to get to Europe/USA while forgetting they left ALL they knew behind, all their possessions and sometimes family and friends.

I won’t get much more into detail, as I feel there’s nothing I can possible write/say that begins to explain how relevant this reading is. I will just finish by saying I feel privileged to have had the opportunity of pursuing an higher education without any concerns. It was always a given for me, and it’s not for a lot of girls worldwide.