A review by bethmitcham
America at War: Poems Selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins by Lee Bennett Hopkins


Large books with stylized illustrations -- I'm thinking art deco-ish but honestly my knowledge of art is very poor so who knows if that's what I mean. Reading it in the fall of 2020 I was wishing it had more stuff showing the diversity of America; even in the Civil War section there was a poem about Harriet Tubman but nothing showing Black soldiers or complex feelings about racism throughout America, and I don't remember anything from an American Indian point of view. The poems didn't get cynical about the reasons for war until modern times but from Korea and Vietnam on it was palpable.

I can see reading this with my family (until their dislike of poetry shut us down) but there wasn't a lot of new things I want to keep, especially around the wars I was alive for (Vietnam and later).