A review by marlireads
Spirits of the Season: Christmas Hauntings by


Some stories are more christmas-y than others. But this was an entertaining December read. One thing I really appreciated was the extra information about the writers before each of the stories.

The Four-Fifteen Express by Amelia B. Edwards - 2 stars
Pretty predictable and not at all scary or spooky.

The Curse of the Catafalques by F. Anstey - 3,5 stars
A bit of a cop out at the end, but the vibes are there.

Christmas Eve on a Haunted Hulk by Frank Cowper - 3,75 stars
A bit of a disappointing ending, but this, too, had all of the vibes!

The Christmas Shadrach by Frank R. Stockton - 2 stars
Okay... That was... kind of boring.

Number Ninety by B. M. Croker - 2,75 stars
Again: vibes. Kind of. I would have preferred it had the story been told from John's perspective. But also: the ending was kind of anti climactic as well...

The Shadow by E. Nesbit - 3,5 stars
Good spooky vibes

The Kit-Bag by Algernon Blackwood - 4 stars
Now THAT was creepy!

The Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance by M. R. James - 1 stars
Nah, man. Too boring. While a lot of the stories in this collection are in the format of ghost stories being told to other people along with the reader, this story was written in the form of letters. I think that this didn't help (for me) with the level of entertainment. (Also, a boring title for a boring story, so I guess that fits.)

Boxing Night by E. F. Benson - 2,5 stars
Hmmm... okay. More thriller-y than spooky.

The Prescription  by Marjorie Bowen - 2 stars

The Snow by Hugh Walpole - 5 stars
Short, but spooky and sweet. 

Smee by A. M. Burrage - 4,5 stars
I wanted more!

The Demon King by J. B. Priestley - 2 stars
Spooky vibes were okay. Ending was a bit of a let-down.

Lucky's Grove by H. Russell Wakefield - 2,5 stars
Finally some real Christmas vibes. Not a very fun (Christmas-y) ending. Actually, it was pretty savage. Not enough spook, unfortunately.

Adding my individual ratings up, this entire collection would be a 3 stars (2,9 rounded up) for me.

(Note after jotting this all down: I think it's funny how multiple writers that appeared in this collection, were mentioned to have looked up to or are being compared to 'the greatest master of ghost stories' M. R. James. And he's actually in here as well, but apparently his story wasn't for me.)