A review by missbeccadawn
Beginner's Luck by Kate Clayborn


The blurb for this book seems deceiving; three friends buy a lottery ticket and win big. I suppose that's the backbone for the trilogy of stories, but in this first installment with MC Kit the lottery win comes up very few times. Like, shockingly few. Instead we focus on Kit and her desire to have a place to call home juxtaposed with travelling recruiter Ben who, surprise surprise, is trying to get Kit to uproot to a bigger, better (?) job with a huge compensation boost.

“Home was complicated, layered. Home was people you loved but also places you knew well and liked to go to, things you had around you that made you feel safe and comforted. Home was too much for one person to be to anyone.”

I loved the characters in this book, especially the secondary characters. It's certainly not a book that will leave you in awe or shocked at the twists. Instead, it's a comfortable read with a solid cast of characters that felt present and real in my mind. It does drag a little at times, though I was able to forgive those areas since the book strikes a strong balance between plot and humdrum daily life that pushes the plot along (albeit, sometimes too slowly). A great chick lit book when you need a light, easy read that won't have you shaking your head with stupid actions from the characters.