A review by meghan111
The Order of Odd-Fish by James Kennedy


Thirteen years ago, a baby was left outside the door of an eccentric elderly movie starlet, with a note reading: "This is Jo. Please take care of her. But beware - this is a dangerous baby."

Jo grows up into a young teenager and one day, is engulfed by a mad fantasy world, where she might learn who her parents were and why everyone thinks she is dangerous. Like a Phantom Tollbooth for teenagers with strains of Terry Pratchett, this is an excellent read for its clever and hilarious writing (which some might find off-putting.)

James Kennedy, the author, also has an insane blog entry chronicling his experiences at the ALA Midwinter Conference, which contains this totally factually accurate description of Loriene Roy, President of the ALA:

"...a great throne was carried into the room—a throne upon which sat what could have only been the chief of this scabbed, snuffling throng—a twenty-foot-tall, vulture-like, twelve-armed lizard, lolling on a writhing chair made of living librarians, their groaning, sweating bodies bound together with leather straps!

Loriene Roy: President of the ALA!

I hasten to clarify that what I beheld was not the popular 'Loriene Roy' America has admired in photographs or fallen in love with on the hit series Librarians Ahoy! Thursday nights on NBC. That 'Loriene Roy' is in fact the actress Kendra Bennison, whose winsome antics have made the ALA beloved the world over.

No, the actual Loriene Roy is a superannuated toad tricked out in stolen finery, a shriveled iguana draped in the kingly robes of better, stronger generations, now grown moth-eaten and dingy..."