A review by elephant
Passion Blue by Victoria Strauss


This is an intriguing YA historical novel. After 17 year old Giulia's father passed away, his wife, who has always hated that Giulia's mother had been his favorite mistress, sends Giulia away to a convent. Determined not to repeat her mother's mistakes, Giulia is convinced that the only way she can live a life free to do what she wants, which includes art, is to find a man to marry. Having seen her horoscope, which predicted that she would not marry, Giulia is determined to change her predicted future and she goes to a sorcerer to do so. After that, she is convinced that she will meet and marry a man even though she is in a convent so she determines to make that happen. In the meantime, a nun at the convent discovers one of Giulia's drawings and brings her into the artist's workshop in the convent where she learns to paint. Giulia is torn between a young man who she meets who romances her and the painting education that she is receiving in the convent. I totally enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the next one.