A review by onemomsbookshelf
Charlie by Daphne Leigh


⭐️ — 3.5/5 (rounding up for Goodreads’ system

Short version: If you’re into mindless smut and a lot of it, this book is absolutely for you. I felt like the plot just vanished for a huge chunk of the book and it was allllll filth. Which is FINE please don’t think I’m discounting that as a preference I just really wanted that plot to be more prominent throughout.

Full Review: I saw the cover. I knew how this would go. But there was still a part of me that was like wellllll okay then, wiping sweat off my brow. That isn’t necessarily a complaint I’m just saying.

At 40% I did my reflection and thought wow there’s been a whole story already. Girl has a horrible thing happen to her, gets opportunity of a lifetime, travels abroad and falls in love. They have filthy sexy time and it’s great. Then he leaves and she travels again to…fall in love again.

The surprise of the University friend — I spotted that a mile away but still was like WHAAATTT when it all came out because it was just written to be such a shock. I already knew what was coming but the gasp I gusped doesn’t lie so it surprised me to some degree. *unsure if that even makes sense but I’m not a writer so let me live my life ok*

ALL of that said…after the four come together I feel like everything except for the smutty smut smut just vanished. And not for a few chapters, I’m talking 100+ pages of minimal plot and only sex. If that appeals to you I feel like this book is a five star read so please give it a chance!

I want to clarify that I did not dislike this book. My flat 3 star rating is meh which for me means I didn’t dislike it, and I’m giving this a 3.5 because it’s above a meh but not one I’d say I will read again nor will I get a trophy for my shelf.

Book 38 of 110.