A review by bookaneer
Uncanny Magazine Issue 39: March/April 2021 by Chimedum Ohaegbu, Elsa Sjunneson, Michael Damian Thomas, Lynne M. Thomas


I read the stories, all this year's Hugo nominees.

Individual ratings for each:

The Sin of America / Catherynne M. Valente: I don't get it and was bored. *
Colors of the Immortal Palette / Caroline M. Yoachim: Interesting take of immortal, vampire like beings who were painters. Very atmospheric. ****
Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather / Sarah Pinsker: My favorite of the bunch although the first time I tried to read I was so confused with the format (basically a message board). It grew up on me and I was fascinated with the myths and history bits but also chuckled on the interaction in the comments. *****