A review by oddmara
The New Teen Titans: The Terror of Trigon by Marv Wolfman


The comic really shows its age but honestly despite that it was still a lot of fun. This is the first story I read that wasn't from the Modern Age so there were a lot of things to get used to (like the very bright art and the description of everything that happens in every single panel despite the fact that it's already illustrated. There are a few dodgy moments but overall I enjoyed reading it, I liked the characters and I felt as if I got to know them pretty well despite the fact that there's so many of them and only 7 issues (which is something to be praised since there's comics that fail to develop ONE character in seven issues). I thought it was a bit weird that their first challenge was saving the universe, and now we're moving on to more important things such as petty theft, but you know, maybe it's for the better. Show the least interesting thing first is an incentive to develop characters around it (the less compelling villain, the more focus on the other characters, you know??).