A review by sousandwich
Chouette by Claire Oshetsky


Thank you very much, Claire, for gifting me with this wonderful piece. I say ‘me’ because I don’t know how the experience has been to other readers, but for me it’s been a memorable ride.
‘Chouette’ feels like being gently pulled up by the hips at first. Hop. It substracts you from whatever reality you’re experiencing and off you go into Tiny’s world. A world of synesthesia, where words on paper play like music, and wild smells pop up from unexpected places. We get gradually stripped of our coating of ‘reality’, our dog-behavior feels less and less present. We understand Tiny, not the way we understand that two plus two equals four, but on a more profound way. We share her struggles. Or at least I did, even though I am far from the experience of motherhood myself.
So thank you again, Claire, for getting me closer to my raccoon-self. I don’t remember being so emotionally invested with a reading as I’ve been with your book. All this yabber-yabber doesn’t do justice to how much love I feel for this book.
Please, keep writing. And publishing.