A review by kitkatmichelle
Quest for Leviathan by Amanda Tero


Anath is out for revenge. The beast called Leviathan took his father's life. Now Anath has determined to take the Leviathan's.

What a strong short story!

Despite the sea-dwelling dragon, which is usually a fantasy creature and nothing more, Quest for Leviathan is historical fiction. The Bible clearly indicates that a creature called Leviathan once lived. It's really cool to me how Job 41 inspired this story, and I could almost feel the heart behind it. Inspiration from the Word of God is the best kind. It's beautiful, and it always shows.

The MC, Anath, had some... issues. I can say almost nothing about him without spoiling, but suffice it to say that his character arc was well-executed in spite of how little page time he had. And the ending was SO wonderful. <3

The writing style wasn't my favorite - like, it didn't fully SUCK ME IN - but it was still a pleasant, elegant style that flowed nicely. The story itself was so short that I didn't have time to fully settle into the setting or become fully attached to the characters. But I probably just haven't read enough short stories like this. XD

It was good, guys. There was action, an excellent twist or two, and a central focus on God. I loved that. While reading this story, I felt close to my Lord. It reminded me of how loving and caring and perfect He is. (I pray that there will never be a time when I'm tired of that reminder.)

Quest for Leviathan is a gem. A smol one, yes, but still a gem. :D

**I received a free ARC of this story in exchange for my honest review**