A review by hatswood
Un-cook Yourself: A Ratbag's Rules for Life by Nat's What I Reckon


Nat released this book in 2020 after having a bit of success on the old Youtube with some quarantine cooking videos. Since then he has also released a cookbook, but this was the first thing he published and it was a bit of a wild ride. Nat calls it an "unhelpful self-help book" and I think that pretty much sums it up. He's explaining his views on life and what he thinks it's all about with a lot of qualifiers and caveats that he wouldn't expect this to help everyone or even anyone.

The best way I can sum it up is like this: imagine you have a mate, and he's had a pretty rough time of it in life but he is a good bloke. He's outgoing and speaks his mind, but he's rough as hell and that probably comes off as him being a bit of a prick. Anyway, imagine he's had a few drinks and is just reminiscing and spouting shit about his opinions on a bunch of stuff, but generally the opinions are pretty wholesome and/or well-founded. That's what the book feels like to read, just a tipsy mate having a go at a lot of different topics with some advice sprinkled in. Oh and there's quite a few awesome recipes spread throughout the book with some nice illustrations.

As someone who has struggled and continues to struggle with mental health, this is a refreshing look at self-help for me. There's probably nothing in there that you haven't all heard or read or seen a hundred times, but I think for a lot of regular, knock-about sort of folks, it's a nice way to have a casual look at mental health and maybe bash back a bit of the stigma surrounding it.

I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind lot's of swearing, give it a go you bloody champions.