A review by oddandbookish
For Your Consideration: Dwayne the Rock Johnson by Tres Dean


I received an ARC of this book for free from the publisher (Quirk Books).

This book is what dreams are made of! I liked Dwayne Johnson before reading this book, but now I LOVE Dwayne Johnson.

Going into this book, all I was expecting was a silly little book about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. What I got was a fun book about Dwayne Johnson that also offered insightful commentary about masculinity and privilege. The book discusses how Dwayne Johnson challenges traditional notions of masculinity. For example, most of his love interests are age appropriate, which is becoming increasingly rare to see in movies. The book also highlights the fact that Dwayne Johnson is half black and half Pacific Islander and therefore did not have the same privileges as some of his fellow white action stars.


This book is also hilarious. It has fun extras like a quiz on which Rock character you should take to prom, a Rock version of the Oscars, and a ranking of his catchphrases. My favorite was the section on the Rock’s road to EGOT (an acronym that stands for Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony). The author came up with three theories on how the Rock can win all four awards. They were laugh out loud funny.

I also liked the short afterword the author wrote detailing how the book came into fruition. You can tell that he really loves and is passionate about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Overall, I recommend this book to both die-hard and casual Dwayne Johnson fans. This book will make you love the Rock even more than you already do.

This is just the first book in Quirk Books’ For Your Consideration series, and I cannot wait to read the next installment. It just so happens to feature my new favorite actor and current celebrity crush, Keanu Reeves.