A review by undrcvrbookahlc
Petra's Biker by Misty Walker


This book was more character driven rather than plot since it mainly focuses on Petra's recovery from being sex trafficked. This was my first book from this author and series and I know it was #5 in this series but there were times when I felt out of the loop with Petra, Moto, and Sly's relationship. I think she had been rescued somewhere during book 1 and had been hanging around for 2-4 waiting for her own book. Because of this, the three of them already had a loose sort of relationship/connection (Moto and Sly are already together on the DL though and have been for years). But Misty does a good job at strengthening this bond and yes the spice was great. This was well written but I think I would have preferred more oomph. Like I said, it's mostly recovery/character driven rather than action so it was kinda slow at points. I did appreciate how positive this was towards sex workers and stripping; I think more books could stand to show women who are empowered through their sexual expression.