A review by inspiretruth
The Kingless Crown by Sarah M. Cradit


DNF - 30%

I was really looking forward to listening to The Kingless Crown after being approved to review it; however, it was a bumpy ride. While I initially thought the story would be exciting, giving me A Song of Ice and Fire vibes, I quickly got confused with all of the characters and plots that were being introduced. It was like every chapter had a new story and, without the help of the narrator changing her voice to show who was speaking, I felt it impossible to keep up. Nevertheless, I decided to trek on in hopes that things would start to become clearer as the characters and I got acquainted.

While I’m amazed I lasted for as long as I did, I couldn’t find the drive to keep going. Though the story was starting to get interesting (after 7 hours), I wasn’t excited enough to find out what happened next. With such anti-climatic plots, I had no desire to see if the characters achieved their quests or if war broke out. I wish things were different, but there was just no way I was going to spend another 14 hours listening to the narrator completely butcher the Scottish accent. Publishers, if you’re reading this and preparing to record an audiobook, please make sure that when a narrator says they can do a Scottish accent, that it’s genuine and not some ear-bleeding nonsense that insults my father’s homeland!

*Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with a pre-release copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.*