A review by jonapelson
White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind by Koa Beck


"The sinister nature of white decency is one of our biggest threats"

I especially loved the expansive dive into how white feminism (the ideology) is deeply rooted in and continues to perpetuate capitalism, white supremacy, and relies on the belief and success of the individual over the collective. I also loved her analysis of corporatized feminism (the future is female etc) and how activism and diversity became part of brand strategy "Instead of a protest vehicle, feminism became a brand"

I struggled with the structure of the book and found some of it (especially the earlier sections on history) a bit all over the place. Another reviewer summed it up for me, "I find the narrative repetitive and difficult to follow; it vacillates between history and social commentary, and perhaps as a consequence it reads like a lot of ideas yoked together that vaguely connect to a very broad thesis (i.e. the title)" and while she does mention trans and nonbinary folks, I felt their presence and perspective could have more plentiful/nuanced.

Another random aside - my first book that mentioned COVID19!