A review by frazzledreader
Seer of Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier


I've been a fan of Juliet Marillier ever since I picked up her book 'Daughter Of The Forest' back in the year 2000. I followed the Sevenwater Series up to this book and was finding it very hard to continue on seeing as I never found the characters as compelling as the first novel. Seer of Sevenwaters rekindled my love for this series. Sibeal is an amazing character filled with fortitude of the mind and body. Her dreams of becoming a druid are powerful, yet she is so determined in this vision that she is blinded to all other alternatives. She is stubborn, a bit pretentious, but wholeheartedly supportive of family and friends. The romance, which is bound to happen in a Juliet Marillier book, is a little too fast for my liking but it develops beautifully. The tale closely resembles that of the selkies, yet is its own entity. Well worth reading for its vision, crafting, and voice.