A review by tarmstrong112
Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson


Oh no no no. This was not good, not good at all. I'm really starting to think this trilogy should have been one book focusing entirely on Kyp Durran's story because the utter lack of focus in this book was astonishing. The story had no flow. Plotlines are picked up and dropped seemingly at random.

The whole subplot of Chewbacca and Threepio taking Jacen and Jaina to the Zoo was shocking in it's dullness and when the twins get lost the plot lost me even more. And there are no repercussions to this! They lose two children in the dirty depths of the city and are essentially let go with a chuckle and a smile.

Han and Lando play cards for ownership of the Millennium Falcon 3 times in this book. THREE! It's just so stupid and repetitive.

Either have the courage to kill Ackbar or don't. But don't make it seem like you did and then confirm he lived with a throwaway line of dialogue. That was cheap.

Luke's Jedi Academy has barely been a thing in this Jedi Academy series so far (so that name is odd). And when we do visit the Academy, the students are falling to the Dark Side by some dumb ghost so fast that it's incredible that people actually willingly stay there.

And Kyp Durran. Such promise in the first novel. It's all thrown away here for cheap thrills and plot devices that make no sense. I mean come on, stealing the Sun Crusher from the middle of a gas giant and then destroying seven suns! That's just an insane, and we are talking about a fictional fantasy world where plenty of weird things happen. He basically has no redeemable qualities at this point.

It's all just disappointingly written. It all feels forced. I will finish the trilogy because I bought way too many used Star Wars books and I pledged to read them for better or worse. I'm interested to see how the author tries to redeem Kyp Durran out of all of this.