A review by rubie_reads
One Woman's Treasure by Jean Copeland


Thank You NetGalley/Publisher & Author for this gifted eARC

After Daphne accidentally “steals” a family heirloom from Nina’s front lawn thinking it’s junk left for trash pickup, she learns she’s wanted by the police for questioning. Once the dust settles, Daphne and Nina form a friendship inspired by their mutual love for antiquing and a desire for a fresh start in their lives.
As they grow closer, their attraction moves way beyond friends. But who will be brave enough to confess her feelings first? Daphne, the self-conscious procrastinator who’s working hard to get her new business off the ground, or Nina, the newly-out mom whose priority is creating a stable life for her son? Before they can take a chance on becoming lovers, they’ll have to decide if love is worth the risk.

I enjoyed this book very much!
It was very unique something different for sure.
This felt more of a slow-burn read for me.
The characters were very likable.
It was a fast-paced read, which I loved.

Overall it was a great Summer Read for sure.
4/5 Star