A review by richardbruce
Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer by Rowan Williams


This book was interesting. The author writes very well and you can almost hear his calming voice resonating from the pages. It explained the titled four areas of Christianity very well and posed some interesting ideas and concepts. However throughout the book I just had a feeling it was like the author was trying to make excuses up for outdated beliefs. Let me first say I was christened a Christian, I believe Jesus existed in some way and i believe in God. However I am not a practicing Christian because my god is different to the idea of a living being in the sky. I am more new age spiritual. To me god is an infinite consciousness in everything and connecting everything (to scratch the surface). So back to it...It seamed to me like the author was flipping some of the outdated belifes of the bible and saying, look at it differently and it actually means this. As if to justify beliefs and entry's of the bible that go against today's standards and what we now know as wrong. I am not saying this is the case but it was all very convienient. I probably need to read it again and do a bit more research. I may be wrong but thats the thing with religion and belief, nobody actually knows. Its all open for each individuals interpritation. That being said I liked Rowan Williams's view point on the matters.