A review by bushph
The Babysitter by Sheryl Browne


*** Find this review and others on my blog! ***

I’ve been patiently waiting for this since it was announced on Bookouture’s twitter and I was so happy to get my hands on an ARC so thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me with an e-ARC copy! All opinions in this review are my own and are honest.

Wow I loved this and I’d definitely recommend this if you’re looking for a new domestic thriller to pick up! We follow DI Mark Caine and his wife Melissa and the introduction of their new babysitter Jade who arrives at their after a terrible accident causes her home to burn down.

I did feel that it was really obvious from very early on who the babysitter was meant to be, so I can only presume that who the babysitter is meant to be is meant to be that obvious? Either way, I figured it our from the start who she was, but I honestly didn’t feel like it took anything from the story or made the story lose its mystery element. Instead I spent the whole story wondering what the hell was going to happen next and I felt this suspense was enough without needing to add in the extra suspense of who the babysitter was.

I really was kept on the edge of my seat with this one and I wish I’d had the time to just devour this in one sitting, as I very easily could have. I really felt for Melissa and Mark and it was nice to have main characters who were likable and that you felt really sorry. Even when Melissa was being a bitch, I felt so sorry for her and everything that she was going through. As much as I disliked the villain in this story, I also ended up feeling quite sorry for them by the end of the book which I wasn’t expecting!

You get several POV in this story; Mark, Melissa, Jade and Lisa who is one of Marks’ work colleagues and it was obvious who POV we were hearing now through the labelling at the top of the chapters which I really appreciate. It was great to get all the different perspectives of what was going on in the story and I think this really helped add to how realistic the plot is. We get to see how each person deals with that is being thrown at them and also how they perceive the other characters in the story as they get shit thrown at them too.

The only reason this wasn’t a 5-star read for was simply because I wanted more of a complete ending. I don’t really want to say too much as I don’t want to ruin the plot but there were a few things that we saw started in the book and I just wanted more of a wrap-up as to how they were dealt with as I feel some of the things were left a bit open-ended yet I felt like they needed a wrap-up. I feel this is more of a personal preference because I like to keep track of everything in Crime and Thriller books to try and figure out who did it or what is going to happen next.

I would definitely recommend this if you’re a domestic thriller fan; this is being published on March 8th and you can pre-order the kindle e-Book from Amazon for just 99p!

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