A review by wendythegeekgoddess
How Long 'til Black Future Month? by N.K. Jemisin


I loved this book!
However it took me such a long time to read because I’m just not used to reading short stories.
I loved most of the stories in the book, although there were a few that I wasn’t 100% obsessed with.
The ones I did get hooked on however, we’re a bit frustrating because you get attached to the characters quick (N.K Jamisin is a phenomenal writer by the way and can easily captivate her audience) and then boom! The story is over.
The only short story that seemed to feel completely wrapped up was the very last story, other than that, they all felt like they were left at a cliff hanger.
I loved Jamisins writing and I’m now very interested in reading a full novel by her and actually being able to finish an entire story by her.
I would rate it 5 out of 5 but there were a few stories I just didn’t like.