A review by elisquared
One Day at Disney: Meet the People Who Make the Magic Across the Globe by Bruce Steele


When I was selected for this blog tour, I screamed. I have been wanting this book since I found out about it, and I have another copy waiting to ship out on December 3rd. Why you may ask? Because I am a DISNEY FANATIC!

My whole family lives, eats, and breathes Disney. We've been Annual Passholders since I was a child. We've seen almost every Disney movie (both animated and not), and yes, I'm talking even the old ones. We've been to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland, with plans on Disneyland Paris next year. We only go on Disney cruises (5 and counting). We've been to D23 (and would love to go again). We decorate our house with Disney. We collect Disney. WE LOVE DISNEY. So to be able to get my grubby mitts on this book all about working at Disney was amazing!!

Now, no matter how you feel about the Walt Disney Company, you have to admit, they put on a show for their guests. And in order to put that show on, they have to have a lot of help! Each cast member I have ever interacted with, from the maintenance staff to the head chef, has been welcoming and full of that Disney magic. To get to see the breath of jobs at the Walt Disney Company, and read about that cast members individual experience was so cool. You learn exactly what they do, and the possibilities are endless. While reading this book, I also learned some new things, which always makes me smile. Like the one cast member, Thom Self, who is an Attraction Machinist at Disneyland. Part of his job entails him diving under water to fix machine parts, like the animatronics in The Jungle Cruise, for example!! I didn't know that was a job!

Each chapter within the book is broken down into periods of time, starting with 12:00AM all the way through 12:00PM (hence, the title). This allows the book to focus not only on the U.S. Disney properties and jobs, but the international ones too! Besides the very cool interviews with actual working cast members, the photographs that accompany each essay are gorgeous! They showcase the cast member and some other bits that involve their job. Also, the addition of the documentary will really connect with the book. You can do a trial of Disney+ if you want to check the documentary out on December 5th! As a subscriber (pay for it all myself), I feel like it is definitely worth it.

I loved One Day at Disney, and it is the perfect coffee table book for my Disney crazy house.