A review by honey1382
Blame It on the Tequila by Fiona Cole


Can you say Angsty?! I read the blurb on this and thought it sounded intriguing. I'm not a fan of books that jump back to the past from the present even when it's piecing the story together. It's not because I want to get to the point faster, but it takes a bit more thinking to assimilate all the missing pieces into the person you already know.

I liked Parker, and his band mates. I was right there with Nova when the past was reveled to the reader and made as a wet hen but also understanding that is the thinking of youth in an unknown situation.

Clearly Nova hadn't dealt with her past in a functional manner and I'm slightly frustrated at both sets of parents. Even at the end. I would have liked to know the final kiss off with those relationships even though I'm sure they were spectacular (in my mind).

Highly recommend for the sexual tension alone. I could feel it emanating from the pages as I read about Parker and Nova. Good story and I suppose it was more sexual tension verses angst, so I would read again. Or find out what happens to Rae in the next story. I'm sure Parker and Nova will make cameos.