A review by fearoflung
Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris


I want to start this review off by giving a big thank you to http://pjhoover.blogspot.com/ . I won my copy of Bad Taste from the blog. Thanks so much! Go check out the blog, it really is awesome!

Bad Taste in boys is a little novel about zombies. Unfortunately, it just did not cut it for me. I was honestly expecting something a little darker than what I got or at least something silly and funny. This book just irked me. For one thing the characters felt very cliché to me. There was an uber-smart nerdy girl who suddenly starts to get into the higher up social circles, there is the sweet loveable jock who everyone wants, and then there are the random friends and classmates. But it was not even the characters that aggravated me so much, it was the lack of realism. No matter what the story, there are ways to make it realistic and believable. Having a girl who wants to be a doctor and who has a vague understanding of medical practices not go to the hospital to get her half bitten off lip checked out is not realistic.
Spoiler Not to mention having her later decide that she is just going to whip up a cure herself and inject it into people all willy-nilly without having the supposed cure medically tested in any way.

Maybe I just was not in the right mood for this book or maybe I was taking it too seriously when it was just meant to be fun. But I have read some really fun books that still were able to give me good characters and a realistic plot. I will not be recommending this book to anyone, but if you like zombies and are not terribly concerned with realism then by all means, give the book a try. It just was not the book for me.