A review by zoes_human
Prezident Scumbag!: A Sick Bastard Novella (The Sick Bastard World Tour Collection) by Rupert Dreyfus



Imagine for a moment a group of strung-out, vegan, punk rock squatters have taken offense at the recent choice of leadership in the US. Imagine further that they have taken it upon themselves to take a trip, in oh-so-many-ways, to the United States in order to play a protest song. If you can't quite imagine that, never fear for Rupert Dreyfus has done this for you.

Prezident Scumbag! is the comic adventure of some of the residents of Hotel Scum including Fazal who somehow, despite chronic vomiting and a strange desire to literally rock out with his cock out, manages to at times be utterly charming.

The major criticism I would offer to this work is that at times it becomes overly didactic. The message is good, just a bit heavy-handed at times. Also, denizens of the USA may notice some cultural idiosyncrasies.