A review by alexrambles
Damned If You Do by Marie Sexton


Damned if you Do was just so Damned ADORABLE! This has got to be the cutest gay demon romance I've ever read. To be perfectly honest, I'm usually not a fan of demons and angels in romantic fiction. Something about it always feels way too moral-based to me, and therefore judge-y. But this book? This book did NONE of that. Abbaddon (I can't believe I'm saying this) was adorable. What, you say? A demon cruising for souls, adorable? You bet your bible belt he is! The only thing cuter than Abbaddon is Seth and his mixture of desire and honest good-heartedness. The twist, when you find it out, is definitely NOT something I saw coming, and I was genuinely upset when I found out. I got teary towards the end, for many reasons, but the way Sexton ended the book was just absolutely perfect. Literally a ride-off-into-the-sunset ending, complete with an old truck and a bucket list on the dash.

All in all, this is one of the best romances that I have read in a really long time