A review by postitsandpens
The Wondrous and the Wicked by Page Morgan


4.5 stars.

The Dispossessed series by Page Morgan is – in my opinion – one of the lesser known, under-appreciated series in the YA Paranormal genre. I absolutely adored the first two books in this series, and couldn’t wait to read the final installment. What I love the most about these books is that – aside from the awesome atmospheric descriptions and the historical setting with a paranormal twist – they all feature some truly kick-ass female lead characters. Ingrid and her sister, Gabby, are strong-willed and determined, while still embracing their femininity. Then you have Chelle, who as a member of the Alliance is good with weapons and wears men’s clothing. And yet, she, too, has a softer side to her, which comes out a bit more in this book. I just love how fully developed and well rounded all of the girls are in these books; it just makes everything else I loved about this series even better.

To see my full review, please go HERE.


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