A review by catsluvcoffee
Midlife Demon Hunter by Shannon Mayer


wickedcoolflightReview at Wicked Cool Flight

Midlife Demon Hunter is book three in The Forty Proof Series. Bree continues trying to iron out her problems, not to mention her love life. Her ex, Alan, has somehow managed to hack the shadow world and settle her with all his debt, something that no judge would have even agreed to without a little dark magic. She’s living in her gran’s house, but it’s owned by Crash now. She wants to get it back, but not without figuring how to undo Alan’s work. She’s still on the outskirts with the Hollows Group, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing since she still has her friends. She’s been hired by a goblin to keep something safe, there’s a demon in the house next door, and Bree’s attracted the attention of the council. You know, just another day in the life of “a mature, seasoned woman, who is all out of ducks to give”.

She still has a bit of a love triangle going on here. Corb is still in the picture though she’s not sure how much she should trust him. She’s even overheard that he might be completely playing her and Bree isn’t a fool. Her ex Alan has finally gotten his just desserts, but unfortunately, that just means that Bree is even more stuck with him than when they were married. Things have heated up with Crash. There’s a hot little shower scene and just in case, you prefer to skip, the author gives you this warning…

Now, just a warning, this is a moment where those of you with prudish tendencies might want to flip ahead a few pages. In fact, it might be best if you mosey along to the next chapter. I’ll wait for you to go. Go. Seriously.

And she does. Always nice to have an option for those who prefer their reads more on the urban fantasy than PNR side.

I’m honestly still stuck on who exactly I’m rooting for. Corb, definitely not. I think he’s just as sneaky and gross as her ex, even though he’s hot. Hot isn’t everything. Crash she still thinks is out of her league. She’s not exactly sure she can trust him either. It really seems like the only one she can trust is Robert and he’s dead, right? Her love life isn’t the only thing heating up. Her magic is really starting to snowball and Robert might just not be always stuck in skeleton form.

The plot essentially follows the formula of the first two. Things are fine, then there’s a supernatural problem, and Bree gets wrapped up in it. Her friends are there to help bail her out, thank goodness, but they end up with more questions than answers in the end. I don’t feel like there’s a ton of character development, but slowly and surely, Bree is figuring things out. She hasn’t gone from an unsure 40-something divorcee to badass woman overnight which I appreciate. It’s a slow climb to a confident magic-using life.

The Forty Proof Series just keeps getting better and better. It’s funny and action-packed and there are plenty of twists and turns to keep things interesting. I’m completely invested now. Check back soon for reviews of the rest of the series!