A review by kittykornerlibrarian
Murder on a Midnight Clear: A 1920s Christmas Mystery by Sara Rosett


This dragged a little more than the others but I still enjoyed it. Olive, who has newly realized that her friend Jasper has turned into her love interest, wants to know more about how he spends his time, but Jasper is evasive. Olive turns her detecting abilities to following Jasper around town, until she learns that he has left London abruptly to become a guest at Holly Hill Lodge, a luxurious mansion in the country. When Olive tries to follow him there, she is involved in a motor accident and is brought back to Holly Hill to convalesce. She discovers that Jasper and a colleague are at the house to unravel a puzzle involving secret codes, spy work, and the butler. Olive is as engaging as ever but her relationship with Jasper seems a little strained and awkward. Hopefully this will change because I'm still really enjoying the series.