A review by elnechnntt
How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton


3.5 rounded up because, Alain, you do amuse me so.

This is a light hearted and decidedly British colloquial amble through what De Botton tactfully calls ‘the right way to think about sex’.

Some wonderful insights and ‘ahhh. That makes so much sense!’ moments that I do always enjoy from this book series. If sexual awakening is something you’re struggling with, or perhaps you do find yourself thinking about sex in archaic gendered ways this is a great book to get the churn churning and flip your thinking.

Alas, De Botton might not be our best tour guide for sexual deviancy. There were just a few points here where my mind was like ‘Um. Come again??’ (pun intended). I love how he draws all this together but something just doesn’t quite fit for me with his telling (he really does try impossibly hard to convince us that adultery is really actually okay. To quote: ‘Should there really be a need to apologise for a desire that couldn’t be more understandable or ordinary?’ - The desire to want to have sex with other people - no. But the actuality of sleeping with other people and cheating on your partner? Damn. Straight). I don’t think he’s going to convince anyone with that. Least of all his wife.

Anyway. Definitely give it a go. Whether you feel at peace and courageous about your sexuality or meek as mouse. There’s something here for everyone.