A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Lady Renegades: A Rebel Belle Novel by Rachel Hawkins


After hearing not so great stories about the second and third book, I was a little reluctant to start them, but since the second book was great, I was really excited about this one. And I can assure you: This book never disappointed me and it was as good as I had hoped and expected it to be. But then again, when has Rachel Hawkins ever failed me?

During these three books Harper has really grown on me and following her on her adventure, looking for David, was therefore like being on a roadtrip with friends. I like how Harper is this nice mixture between really feminine, with loving dresses and make up and proms and cheerleading, while her also being badass and truly willing to fight for the things and people that are truly important to her. I rooted for her. I truly did.

And even though the plot, after having read quite a few Hawkins novels, was quite predictable, I did enjoy seeing everything unfold. All the pieces of the puzzles, a lot of them already handed out in the first book, came together in this novel and the ending was every bit the rollercoaster I was prepared for. I can see why some people won't like the ending, but I actually really did. It fit the story, it fit the characters and it fit the entire arc.

And like each and every Hawkins novel, the writing style is incredibly nice. I love how fast I can read these books without missing a word. It helps me to get in a nice flow and to forget the entire world, including annoying teenagers on the bus, around me.

It's a pity that the serie ended, but I think this ending was perfect and I wish all these characters I grew to love a beautiful and bright unknown future.