A review by 4everbookedd
Travelers by Brett Riley


Thank you NetGalley for access to this arc in exchange for an honest review!

Travelers is a very crazy (the good kind!) & entertaining read and one I rate 3 stars despite jumping into without reading the first novel. Yes this book is actually a sequel to the original story “Freaks” which I personally have yet to read! So I can assume it would just add more to the rating if I were to go back and read it!

This book is about high school friends aka the “freaks” who all have powers and are constantly being watched by the CIA and attempt to conceal their powers as much as possible. But what happens when the freaks are faced with a stronger force than they could ever imagine? Rabbit, a shape shifting god, is now closer to destroying the freaks. Is this a battle they can win? Where do the CIA stand within this battle? & how will this affect their powers? I would definitely recommend this book!